It’s essential that the revision process is handled with transparency for both brands and Creators. We want to empower you to ensure that revision guidelines are implemented in a clear and fair way.
Please remember that the number of revisions are something you can negotiate with the brand once you’ve opted in.
Here are some common revision requests our brands make:
- Edits to the voiceover, or background music
- Changes to Video editing (ie. adjusting transitions, background elements, etc)
- Adding additional information or scenes
- Removing a scene
- Editing a scene
- Updates to the still photo
- Caption adjustments
- Editing scenes, photos or content where your product is not represented properly, or to brand guidelines provided.
If you agree to revisions from the beginning of the relationship, and do not follow through, the brand will be able to withhold payment until the project is complete.
Areas we do not recommend requesting revisions for are listed below.
If you are asked by a brand to make a revision on one of these topics, you have the ability to push back. If you are not comfortable doing so, please reach out to and the team will be happy to work with you and the brand to find a solution!
- Creativity/Audience Appeal: If creators use a tone or sense of humor that is consistent with the rest of their content this for a REASON! The creators content should feel authentic to their audience (this is what SELLS), asking for revisions for these areas may alienate the creators audience
- Asking for additional pieces of content without additional compensation
- Start to finish reshoot: If certain elements were not specified as required in the brief, it is unfair to request a full edit. We recommend you request additional compensation in situations like this.
We advise our brands to keep in mind that creators are creative people with their own brand, sense of style and delivery. We encourage them to give you some creative license to do what you do best as you build your brand, portfolio and follower base.
At the same time, we encourage you as a creator to keep in mind that these brands are engaging you to build their awareness, customer interest and brand style. They have spent a lot of time and energy developing their brand essence, and want to engage you to help bring that to life through social media and digital marketing. Done well, it can be a mutually beneficial relationship for everyone.
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